Spring Break at almost 42?

Maybe it’s because I just finished writing about the birth of RAWZ Natural Pet Food at Global Pet Expo 9 years ago, but this bright albeit chilly March morning finds me in reflection. Although grateful, I can find myself allowing waves of guilt to overtake me, whether it be for poor choices in the past or just the abundance of unmerited gifts in my life, far too often gratitude can be squelched by its’ unwelcome sibling called guilt. The power of thinking to manifest positive occurrences in our lives seems to be very much in vogue nowadays, but isn’t it really just a new name with some polish for a phenomenon we’ve suspected all along?
I’ve been blessed with an opportunity to make what seems like a yearly trip to Florida each March. My work with RAWZ mostly involves things I can do wherever I may be and I’ve often spent UNH’s Spring break week in the Sunshine state! Historically the David Krempels Brain Injury Center (KBIC) has closed for the week as the dedicated interns have school recess, but this year interns from another college will ably fill in allowing the program to continue serving members. What a phenomenal development for members and students alike that KBIC’s doors will remain open to improve the lives of brain injury survivors.
That said, I will be taking a bit of Spring Break myself! I can almost hear my grandfather, Jim Scott Sr., commenting, “Listen to this one, in his 40’s and he still thinks he has Spring Break!” with a concerned look on his face. And although I’m starting the week at my parents, I will not be accompanying them to Orlando and the 2024 Global Pet Expo: Instead I will be taking an actual vacation with my Godfather Uncle Jack to Naples, FL for a few days. Playing golf with my Godfather is one of my favorite things to do, but the trip is even more exciting because we’re staying at my late grandfather, Jim Sr’s, place.
I often write about the internal struggle I feel with guilt creeping in to obscure gratitude for the blessings in my life. While it wasn’t ever something anyone told me, the love and admiration I always had for my grandfather certainly contributes to my tendency to self-evaluate myself as unworthy. I mean if there ever was a real-life Horatio Alger tale of hard work generating success it was Grampy: From attending college on the GI Bill after Naval service as part of the Greatest Generation, where he captained the University of Maryland wrestling team, to beginning our family’s journey in animal nutrition, what a legacy!
Without going on an inventory taking exercise of my mistakes and shortcomings, let’s just say I am not a veteran of military service nor do I feel deserving of the immense gifts in my life . Regardless, as I read in a passage from Sara Young’s Jesus Calling, a beautiful daily devotional recommended by my friend Barry, not long ago my focus this week will be on showing gratitude by enjoying the blessings and fond memories!