Shakespeare or Nostradamus?

There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
All those ardent fans of this blog may have noticed that while I generally keep to a biweekly cadence of new posts, every now and then there may be some deviation. And while I jest about “all” the devoted fans of More Than a Speed Bump’s posts, a few conclusions can be drawn by the fact of some variance in my posting:
1. My tendency to procrastinate and laziness certainly wasn’t a phase I matured out of- Truth be told, a failure to prioritize writing coupled with pure laziness can delay posting.
2. A respect for readers time keeps me from posting what I feel are posts lacking weight or not “exciting enough”.
3. Imposter Syndrome- I mean, who do I think I am that I can offer any material that may benefit someone else.
While all three reasons for inconsistency in posting have merit, the fact that #1 jumped to mind first coupled with my less than exemplary effort scores at school over the years seems to point at it being the biggest factor.
Regardless, while I don’t have any “front page and above the fold” worthy achievement or happenings in my life to report (or brag) about as I sit here this morning, the quote from William Shakespeare came to mind. In full disclosure, it took a quick Google search to confirm the words are indeed attributed to Shakespeare. So what was it about my struggling to identify a topic for this post that brought a quote from a Shakespeare tragedy (Hamlet) written more than 400 years ago to mind?
Anyone who sees me regularly over the last few years can probably relate to my approaching them with my phone in hand exclaiming, “You have to see this picture!” Now I have to admit to treating my phone almost like a baby and their pacifier or security blanket, with my screen time excessive at times, the electronic device isn’t all bad. I have quite a few photo albums that I share with family that provide joy-bringing pictures of nieces and nephews, both 2 and 4 legged that seem to brighten lot of days. One such photo, short film actually, that’s certainly exemplary of this appeared recently.
My parents came up last weekend to spend some time with family (see the grandkids!) and catch one of Andy’s hockey games. The video showed Katie holding Ruby, flanked my Nora in the stands at the game. Katie had a pom-pom in one hand and Ruby in the other while Nora enthusiastically waved matching Beverly orange poms in both hands. For the record, my right hand and knee make an appearance on the right side of the screen. And of course, that die-hard hockey fan formerly referred to as Mom, now Meme, is keeping a watchful over the play and cheerleading squad!
This clip, which I’ve watched well over a hundred times at this point, fills me with joy each time. I’ll admit to being less than entirely present, up in my head, and maybe even grumbling about the cold at the rink during the game, but as I reflect, that really was one of the best days of the year. The featured image for this post is a picture of Nora, Dada’s #1 fan viewing through the glass, because my lack of tech skills prevented my sharing the video. Regardless, let me take that day in the rink as a reminder that the seemingly simple moments can actually be special…how I think can make them so!