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Gratitude Recovery

The Doc King Adaptive Tour: A Day with Two RAWZ Fund Partners

The family would combine their love of cycling, connections within the cycling community, and passion for KBIC to raise funds for the amazing nonprofit organization. Since the inaugural King Challenge in 2011, the King Challenge has raised well over a million dollars to help KBIC carry out its mission of “improving the lives of people living with acquired brain injury.”
Gratitude Life Goes On Recovery

2023 is a wrap!

All in all, 2023 was another great year. And although I’m not a fan of cold weather, I’m struck how blessed I am to have Clooney and the amazing David Krempels Brain Injury Center community to return back to: Have a blessed 2024!  
Gratitude Recovery

17 years: While I appreciate the fireworks, they’re not necessary

“A miracle is a shift in perception from fear to love-from a belief in what is not real, to faith in that which is. That shift in perception changes everything.” -Marianne Williamson
Learnings Recovery

Replace Bad Habits With Good Ones; Always Remembering Nature Abhors a Vacuum

While both addiction or behavior modification are both complex and multi-faceted topics, one key to recovery and positive change that I’ve found to be paramount is the need to replace any negative behavior with a positive one.
Learnings Recovery

It’s the Journey

Just the other morning I read something that I usually only hear read out loud and the bells were ringing immediately. I couldn’t believe how the meaning of the passage completely changed when I noticed I had previously heard the phrase incorrectly.
Gratitude Life Goes On Recovery

Lesson from Boomer

It wasn’t only our walks in which Boomer let me know I was a “real” person and still had value, but also just in Boom being his mischievous self.