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2023 is a wrap!

I often hear people comment that time seems to go by faster and faster as they get older. Honestly, I always thought of it as just a saying people said to encourage others to appreciate life and hint hat they knew something that I just couldn’t understand in my youth…Well, I stand corrected. Maybe it’s because every year makes up a smaller percentage of my total lifespan, but I swear time is passing at an increasing rate as I get older. For a lot of people the Christmas season, and certainly New Years, brings about reflection and with that being the case for me as well, this latest post will take a moment to do just that.

Most importantly to report is that I was blessed with my second adorable niece from my brother Andy and favorite Sister-in-Law Katie! Ruby, who just turned 6 months, is really becoming her own person with a distinct personality: I’m always amazed to see babies seemingly become people all of a sudden! Of course, I shouldn’t be so surprised as I’ve found myself saying, “when did (insert name) become a person?” for first Shaun, Declan, Nora, and now Ruby for each of my nephews then nieces. While that newborn phase is magical and crazy cute, watching each distinct personality develop is truly special. That concerned look from Ruby that seems to ask, “Do you even listen to yourself when you talk?” as I speak hints at some sarcasm to come!

Speaking of how fast time seems to be moving, Clooney turned 11 this year. I often write about how powerful Boomer was in my recovery not only as a source of unconditional love but to give me a sense of purpose and provide a sense of normalcy through some really dark times. Although his passing was actually quite graceful and not a source of sudden grief, rather a deep appreciation and love for our family’s baby and my roommate over his last two years, if anything I felt an odd fear at the thought of getting another dog. It’s a feeling that I find many pet owners feel, fear that no other dog could ever be as special and I’d always be making comparisons. While not Boomer V2, Clooney is also an amazing soul who it has been a joy to have in my life!

The reflection an ending year brings also prompts me to take stock of how I’ve changed physically over the last 12 months in terms of functioning. It’s one of the gifts of my injury that I’ve been blessed to make continuous progress, seeing improvements even now more than 17 years later in how I move through the world from nearly total hemiparesis. While this was the first year I failed to set a new post-TBI career low golf score, I continue to be amazed at how the improvements in my recovery better allow me to move through the world. Now 41 years old, the reality that with age comes inevitable physical challenges or at least limitations is daunting, however, I’ll cross that bridge when I get there…

As I sit here on a visit to FL with my parents, who are now snowbirds, to ring in the New Year, I feel immense gratitude. I have amazing family and friends who love and support me. Not to mention, on my way to Boston a few days ago I got to see Nana who although recently turning 94 could probably still make a mean French Toast on the Run! All in all, 2023 was another great year. And although I’m not a fan of cold weather, I’m struck how blessed I am to have Clooney and the amazing David Krempels Brain Injury Center community to return back to: Have a blessed 2024!