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Gratitude Learnings

Finding The Butterfly in the Cup

I was in a state of despair and seemed to have a constant reservoir of tears in my eyes at all times after the abrupt dissolution of my engagement, but found myself actually smiling at the butterfly’s appearance. Seeing the expression on my face and comfort the experience had brought me as I told him, Shawn exclaimed, “You found the Butterfly in the cup!”
Gratitude Life Goes On

Clooney’s Favorite Destination

From the feedback I received from some readers I’ve realized that one of the favorite posts on this blog was “My Name is Clooney”. While it would seem to be a slight to my writing ability that a guest post, the only one not written by me, is the post that I hear the most positive feedback about; there’s no offense taken. In fact, I’ve taken the hint and decided to give a little insight into Clooney’s absolutely favorite place to visit in Portsmouth. Since Clooney lacks in finger dexterity and is still complaining about soreness from painstakingly typing out his last post, I’ll take dictation on this one! Now, just imagine the following description from a slightly taller than yours’ truly, grey haired gentleman with a fading Georgian accent recounting the following:
Gratitude Learnings Life Goes On

There I Go Thinking Like a Human Again

I’ve often heard and have come to believe that God is Love and therefore Love is God. Fortunately for us all, human constraints like the concept of scarcity don’t apply to his Spiritual dimension. I was delighted to find when I held my niece and then newborn nephew just days later, plenty of additional love simply manifested out of thin air.
Gratitude Recovery

Happy 32nd Anniversary to the Americans with Disabilities Act

It certainly can be easy to take modern conveniences like public education and transportation, the communication network, or even the availability of different employment options for granted. In fact, I suspect most of us enjoy these benefits with little thought to the fact that until just 32 years ago it was legal to refuse access to many based upon their disability.

Thank you Mr. Valet!

No matter the time of day Clooney is escorting me around town, I’m bound to see at least one hard working valet attendant pounding the pavement. While Clooney almost always gets a pat and a “Hey Buddy!”, today one of the Residence Inn’s valets put me on cloud nine! As I bent over to do my dog owners’ duty and clean up after Clooney, I heard, “Wow, you really are doing great!”
Gratitude Life Goes On Recovery

From Building Houses to Helping Others Build New Lives After Brain Injury

Deeply moved by the case worker of a young survivor who replied when asked about the young man, “What he really needs is a friend.” From this powerful observation coming from a supporter of a TBI survivor about their true need after David asked how he could help, KC has become a monumental gift to a community where survivors begin to live again.