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French Toast on the Run

One of the many things I’ve been blessed to have in my life was the presence of loving grandparents. While both my mother’s parents have now passed, my relationship with “Memere and Pepere” was strong, undoubtedly bolstered by our mutual love of golf. In another example of golf as a great connector across generations, I probably spent more hours golfing with my late paternal grandfather (Grampy) on the links than in I did in classrooms; likely learning more in the process too!

Memere, Pepere, and Grampy were my three biological grandparents growing up as my father’s mother had passed before I was born. However, in addition to the three loving supporters and frequent golf partners, I had (and am blessed to still have) a Nana! Unfortunately; I never met my dad’s mother who by all accounts was an amazing lady, and believe me, I can only imagine the patience and understanding required to cohabitate with Jim Sr and Jr: All I know is I have the best Nana in the world!

After a recent lunch with Nana a couple of stories came to mind that have imprinted great memories for me, even now more than 35 or so years later. I have only vague first-hand memory of the first one, but in humorous recalling with Nana and my parents this is a pretty accurate description:

Growing up, my dad travelled extensively for work. It wasn’t uncommon for him to be on the road most business days and often for longer trips to other regions or multi-day trade shows. On rare occasions, my mom would join him and this particular time I was staying with Nana and Grampy while my parents attended a trade show. Apparently, as Grampy liked to recount, “Jimmy missed his mommy” and decided to go to California to see my parents. Nana played along, helped me pack and as I prepared to walk out the door said, “Now if you get lost or need help, find a policeman.” Evidently, despite my stubbornness and that I doubt I would have been allowed to leave, I turned around, deciding to stay after all..


On one of my other stays with Nana and Grampy, Nana had an appointment in the morning. Apparently after I was asked by Nana about breakfast before we left, all while running on a tight schedule the following conversation ensued between:


             Jimmy, we need to hurry, “What would you like for a quick breakfast?”

            “Actually Nana, I really like French toast!” I can only imagine that after years of filling my Grampy’s requests, the restraint it took for her not to chuckle and not offer a sarcastic reply. But with the loving kindness and ingenuity of my Nana came the reply, “Oh ok, how about ‘French toast on the run’ then?”  

            I responded with intrigue that “I’ve only ever had regular French Toast. What’s French toast on the run?”

            With all the conviction of a professional breakfast cook Nana responded, “It’s the kind that you can eat in the car while Nana drives honey, it’s great!”

            Apparently Grampy wasn’t the only master salesperson in their marriage and 5 minutes later we were on the road with my happily munching away in the back seat!


So for any training on how to handle frustrated children missing their parents for a childcare provider or for any hot new children’s breakfast recipes, I’d be happy to act as an intermediary to my Nana, of course, I’ll need a cut!