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Clooney: An Inadvertent Rescue

I may have just heard the collective groan emanate from MTSB’s readers as they exclaim, “What do you know, he’s talking about dogs again!” But fear not dear reader, rather than a general description of the amazing power of pets; this latest post will describe the background of how I was joined with Clooney back in December of 2012. Since I haven’t been shy about my love for dogs or some of the difficulties that I’ve had in my posts, it is only appropriate that I give full context of that period of my life:

Following my car crash on 7/4/06, the next couple of years saw my days consumed with rehabilitative appointments, an intensive process that I was blessed with the support of family and friends to experience amazing progress during. As I was in no position to either financially or in practicality take care of myself, fortunately I was able to live with my parents along with our family’s yellow lab Boomer who was born 4/5/96. Boomer was instrumental in my recovery providing unconditional love and companionship. I think it was in the Summer of 2008 when I began to gradually live on my own. At first it would be nights in Portsmouth with either one of my parents or a PT aide from Portsmouth Regional Hospital’s amazing Neuro-Day Rehab named Jeremiah who I’d become good friends with. Before long my stretches on my own grew longer and eventually I found myself in my own place in Portsmouth with plenty of assistance from my friends and family during the transition as my wings were still clipped (No license).

As my rehabilitation process became less intensive and my working hours being only 16 hours a week at that point, I found myself a little lonely with a bit of time on my hands. I had been having Boomer stay over with me quite often throughout the transition, but decided to move him in full time shortly after making the move myself. Back then (08/09) honestly feels like a different lifetime: Still battling deep depression and living in a state of limited emotional acceptance with extremely limiting physical challenges from my left side hemiparesis. There were many days when I couldn’t muster the will to face the day, calling for help to care for Boomer. Boomer and I trudged on, I learning to live a new life after brain injury, with Boom a survivor of cancer and multiple leg surgeries making quite the pair as we strolled the streets of Portsmouth.

That brutal day came when it was time for my distinguished Yellow Lab to cross the rainbow bridge after his back legs quit on him. Cinco de Mayo 2010 was the date, Boomer was 14 years and 1 month old to the day when we said goodbye. You hear how hard it is to lose a pet all the time, but you’re never really prepared. All of a sudden I went from having an unofficial Emotional Support Animal to a huge void in my heart. I always knew I would get a dog after I lost Boomer, but as time went on, I just didn’t feel ready. I was struggling emotionally and with addiction issues, was in and out of treatment, and fearful of making the commitment when my father sent me a picture of an adorable lab puppy saying something like, “I think I found your new dog” through text.

When I saw that image I suddenly became “entirely ready” to add the adorable 4 legged roommate to the mix of Chris and I at my place. Chris, who I mentioned in my last post (So This is Gratitude) was the perfect roommate to have at the time! A dog lover himself, Chris had been amazingly helpful in caring for Boomer during his last period with us and continued to be the ideal Uncle to Clooney through that crazy puppy phase. So what was meant by this posts title describing Clooney as an inadvertent rescue?

At Clooney’s first vet appointment I learned that the women who had just met me in a Shaw’s parking lot with my new soulmate wasn’t entirely forthcoming. While I wholeheartedly encourage rescuing shelter animals as a wonderful way to go when getting a pet, as I had just returned to living independently and was still mourning Boomer; Dad had located a self-proclaimed breeder of what were mild mannered Silver Labs to give me the best chance of success. You can imagine our shock to find out that the “breeder” had actually shipped this adorable pup up from GA shortly after his birth which our trusted veterinarian learned when examining his paperwork.  Other than his age and home state, I don’t know much else about Master Clooney. After more than 10 years with King C other than a case of Hair Diffuse Alopecia (a condition where hair follicles split and can’t grow through the skin resulting in a thin/sparse coat) that causes some itching, and a bit of anxiety probably caused by too early a separation from his mother as a young puppy, I know that Clooney is perfect for me!

I remember someone describing their life with the phrase, “Wow, that didn’t go as planned, but it worked out fine.” Couldn’t we all use those words to label chapters of our own lives? Regardless, whether it was my limping cancer survivor Boomer and I steadying each other as we traversed Portsmouth or Clooney and my matching thinning/graying hair situations, I always seem to end up with a four-legged soulmate!