
“Identify, don’t compare”

How fortunate are we that when we look beneath all the details of each other’s experiences, some common emotional processes and feelings lie below. After all we’ve all had both the best, and the worse days of our lives. Remembering this fact is one way that I can identify with anyone that I happen to come across.

Acceptance is “Living life on life’s terms”

It seems that acceptance is a word, and certainly a concept, that is thrown around often in recovery communities. Whether it be recovery after a brain injury, a sudden loss, or from active addiction; acceptance is nearly always one of, if not the most important steps in an individual's journey.

On Second Thought

In a previous post, I recounted my answer to a question that I often receive from groups that I’ve been fortunate to speak with. In “What’s the hardest part?”, I attempted to convey that not unlike most human beings walking around today; for myself, a brain injury survivor of almost 15 years now, staying present and mindful to fully participate in each day as it comes, remains perhaps my greatest challenge. It really is a miracle and ignites gratitude in my heart to realize that my recovery has progressed to the point where simply walking, talking, bathing, or dressing is no longer a daunting task.

I Got Bridged

For me, it seems that God puts people in my life that I continue learning incredible lessons from and to help to shift my perspective. I’ve only known Freddy Petrone for just over a year, but truly believe my friendship with him to fit with this pattern.

A Lot More Than a Yellow Lab

 I have to be honest, as much as I always loved both my Grampy (paternal grandfather) Jim Scott Sr., and my father, Jim Jr, sharing a name with both has brought a bit of pressure. No one ever told me I needed to accomplish big things, but seeing the tremendous work ethic of all my family members left me wanting to follow suit.

Look for the Helpers

I'll be honest, at first glance our latest blog post's title doesn't quite seem relative to the More Than a Speed Bump blog. Fortunately; dear reader, I'm glad that you've taken the time to read further to find out why this quote from Mr. Rogers is incredibly relevant today. Let's begin by examining the genesis of our title.

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