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A “Perfectionist”, not me?

The last thing that comes to mind when one hears the word perfectionist may just be a seemingly unmotivated, chronic academic underachiever: Perhaps a Valedictorian would be more expected  rather than the class clown. So one could imagine my surprise when multiple times I’ve had my behavior called perfectionistic! I would normally discount these opinions absurd had they not been given by professionals with multiple letters trailing their names.

Mother’s Day

Since yesterday was Mother’s Day, first off, happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there. And while most people probably feel that they have the best mom in the world, I can say for sure that the amount of love and support my mom has given me throughout my life is beyond description in words.

“Identify, don’t compare”

How fortunate are we that when we look beneath all the details of each other’s experiences, some common emotional processes and feelings lie below. After all we’ve all had both the best, and the worse days of our lives. Remembering this fact is one way that I can identify with anyone that I happen to come across.

On Second Thought

In a previous post, I recounted my answer to a question that I often receive from groups that I’ve been fortunate to speak with. In “What’s the hardest part?”, I attempted to convey that not unlike most human beings walking around today; for myself, a brain injury survivor of almost 15 years now, staying present and mindful to fully participate in each day as it comes, remains perhaps my greatest challenge. It really is a miracle and ignites gratitude in my heart to realize that my recovery has progressed to the point where simply walking, talking, bathing, or dressing is no longer a daunting task.

Krempels Center

To think that I can amply convey my gratitude for, while adequately describing the magic of Krempels Center (KC) in a short blog post is not realistic. However, having become such a huge part of my life and inspiring the MTSB initiative, here goes...

More Than a Speed Bump

Since this is MTSB’s first post, perhaps it would be helpful for me to give a brief biographical context for this blog. On July 4th, 2006, at 23 years old I drove drunk, crashing into the woods sustaining a Traumatic Brain Injury.