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2 Corinthians 4:18

18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.


I can hear the giant, shock filled gasp of “What?” traveling across the land as I sit here this morning typing this post’s title. But, don’t rub your eyes too hard dear reader, that is indeed a Bible passage you see. Let me spare you the suspense by telling you no, I did not have a recent burning bush experience or awaken “born again” this morning. And as I’m sure you have surmised from the retelling of some of my past (mis)adventures, my borderline agnostic history did not include much time of intensive studying of God’s word. However, as a Catholic who’s made the requisite sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, and after a year of rebellion fueled by laziness, my Confirmation; I do have a fair amount of exposure to The Good Book. I honestly can’t say I had this passage committed to memory so you can cancel the canonization! Regardless, in a meeting as I reflected on how much we as humans don’t know and rather assume as I read “And does not science demonstrate that visual proof is the weakest proof?”, I could almost hear Barry’s calm voice saying, “More will be revealed.”

Forgive me for throwing three seemingly disparate concepts or sources of information at you out of nowhere, but I just can’t help but seeing the connection. Perhaps this is an instance of the truth presenting not as a thousand different things, but the same truth in a thousand unique forms. The truth, at least for me and to steal a phrase unoriginal to me, is that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. I know this can seem to be a scary proposition, an admittance of the scant amount of control we have over our lives. Actually, come to think of it this truth presents us with a rather stark choice between Fear or Faith. I mean if the dimension we experience life in is merely a reflection of the truth, what chance do we have of truly molding our circumstances.

Allow me to back up and clarify where I’m going with these three unique pieces of information,(A) 2 Corinthians 4:18, (B) The 4th dimension (not visual) of life holding the truth, and (C), Barry’s assertion that “More will be revealed”. While A and B are more transparent in their connection lying in the importance of not placing too much value on things as they appear in the moment. As another good friend of mine and founder of I Got Bridged (, Freddy Petrone, often says, “God is in the pause”. After all, it is our first thought that is our own and often fueled by fear and self-centeredness that needs to be examined. While I can’t claim to completely understand God or have a clear image of him in my head, I do believe he is best described simply as love. I can only speak for myself, but when overwhelmed by the seeming chaos and abundance of suffering around me, letting God in with a pause is always called for.

I couldn’t believe it when reviewing this morning when I saw 2 Corinthians 4:18 right there on the homepage. I either didn’t remember it being there or simply saw what I was looking for today…Either way’s a win! So to synthesize my ramblings, a reminder to relax and drop the reigns because I’m not in charge, or even see life’s entire playing field is always a good reminder.