Mother’s Day

Since yesterday was Mother’s Day, first off, happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there. And while most people probably feel that they have the best mom in the world, I can say for sure that the amount of love and support my mom has given me throughout my life is beyond description in words. I wish I could say that I was always a compliant, well behaved kid who made things easy and stress-free growing up, but I assure you that was not the case. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I was running around like a madman, a complete hellion…well, not all the time. Truly though, the love and guidance from both my parents combined with the presence of the proverbial “safety chute” I called Mom, undoubtably kept me out of some serious scrapes.
Like many kids, I didn’t always recognize the incredible support and unconditional love my mom had for me. From meetings with teachers, school administrators, doctors, coaches and one particular religious program facilitator who I recall lacking a sense of humor, the hours spent attending to my “development” must have felt like a career in itself for Mom! While I can obviously see the physical traits that I inherited from my father, as anyone sitting behind a Scott in an auditorium appreciates, I also know how similar my mother and I are in many ways. Whether by watching her involvement in any and seemingly every group, organization, or athletic team, any of us three kids were involved in it was always clear how much of an advocate and ally we had and still have. My mom’s caring for and service to others around always extended to the greater community in addition to the family, although we’ve certainly kept her busy!
It may surprise many of you to know, but I didn’t come into this world almost 40 years ago a perfectly well-behaved, self-motivated, and always laser focused individual needing no external guidance. And while both my parents dedication to their children was equally great, much of the day to day structure and frequently needed, certainly in my case, discipline came from Mom with my father’s frequent travel for work. I remember one discussion concerning my plans for a night that ended with my mom sitting on my front bumper so I couldn’t pull out of the driveway. In those moments, I didn’t always recognize the attention as coming from a place of love and concern, but I never doubted how much my mom cared about me.
I hope that Mom knows the amazing impact she has had on my life and how much I love and appreciate her. Of course, I wish I’d expressed this gratitude more growing up because, deep down, I always had awareness and appreciation for it. Although, not perfect, I think a memory of one of those days from the past illustrates, despite my at times immature actions, my love for my Mom. I was leaving for a hockey game and being evasive about my plans for later that evening. I kind of stormed off and remember spending the hour or so bus ride feeling guilty about how I’d departed. As I tied my skates the image of my mom’s concerned expression as I rushed out the door weighed on me. I told the coach I had to make a quick phone call, put on my blade guards, and in full uniform went to the rink’s lobby payphone and called the house to apologize and tell my mom I loved her.
So on this Monday morning after Mother’s Day I wish all the mothers out there a Happy Mother’s Day! Most of all I want to tell you, Mom, that I love and appreciate you very much!