
Questioning Myself

One of the most frustrating parts of living with a brain injury is finding the balance between living with a level of healthy challenge and fighting exhaustion while simultaneously learning about the person that you’ve become after brain injury.

The Next Right Thing

Although I may not be in possession of a secret manual or even a grandiose mission statement for my life, I think just doing “the next right thing” may be all that I need to worry about!
Gratitude Recovery

Looking up to my younger brother: And not only because he is taller than me!

As long as I can remember my 4 and half year younger brother, Andy, has been one of my best friends. I remember being a little annoyed back in the day that he wanted to do everything that my friends and I did, not to mention that all the girls thought he was so “cute”.
Gratitude Learnings Recovery

When Self Help’s not working, Try Helping Others: Emotional Alchemy

While I’m not a scented candle and warm bath guy, it struck me that my lower mood and climatically depressed mood seemed to call for a day of self-care: Maybe laying in bed, some spiritual reading, warm beverages, and napping with Clooney would do the trick. Just then my phone buzzed to remind me that my roommate Ben, a great volunteer named Jenny, and I were headed out that morning for 4 hours of shoveling with I Got Bridged (IGB).
Gratitude Life Goes On

Blue Monday

Announced by a British travel company, supported with research from psychologist Dr. Cliff Arnall, the concept of Blue Monday refers to the third Monday of January as the gloomiest day of the year.
Gratitude Learnings


The webs’ Urban Dictionary defines Funcle as follows: When your Uncle is just to fun too be a normal Uncle: This Uncle must be referred to as Funcle. Personally, I like this definition for its lack of judgment or inference of immaturity. I’m extremely grateful to have more than one Funcles in my life and am really looking forward to being one!

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