
So This is Gratitude?

In all serious, I just wanted to take a moment and share the interesting emotion that is washing over me this morning after my usual early morning wake up moan from Cloon.
Gratitude Recovery

17 years: While I appreciate the fireworks, they’re not necessary

“A miracle is a shift in perception from fear to love-from a belief in what is not real, to faith in that which is. That shift in perception changes everything.” -Marianne Williamson
Learnings Recovery

Replace Bad Habits With Good Ones; Always Remembering Nature Abhors a Vacuum

While both addiction or behavior modification are both complex and multi-faceted topics, one key to recovery and positive change that I’ve found to be paramount is the need to replace any negative behavior with a positive one.
Gratitude Learnings

2 Corinthians 4:18

I couldn’t believe it when reviewing this morning when I saw 2 Corinthians 4:18 right there on the homepage. I either didn’t remember it being there or simply saw what I was looking for today…Either way’s a win! So to synthesize my ramblings, a reminder to relax and drop the reigns because I’m not in charge, or even see life’s entire playing field is always a good reminder.     
Gratitude Learnings Life Goes On

Disney: A Magical Place…or can everywhere be?

As I sit here trying to capitalize on a little downtime, watching Nora entertain her parents and quite a few other smiling travelers, it seems this 40 year old bachelor isn’t leaving Disney with mouse ears, although if I wasn’t so cheap I may grabbed a pair. Rather, the takeaway is a needed reminder to be where my feet are and that everything isn’t going to be ok…it already is.    
Background Gratitude Learnings

Just Showing up

In case you may be thinking that I have a slanted view of a more egalitarian view on recognition or only want to give accolades to high performers due to a history of collecting trophies, I’ll point out a couple of things: First, I’m only 5’3” and obviously have therefore known my fair share of loss and disappointment. Secondly, and perhaps more important, my seasons of competitive sports have certainly included a few times on winless or nearly winless teams.

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