Background Gratitude Recovery


After all, with comfort resulting from the predictability of future events, joy and success being difficult to guarantee; the risk of opting for a predictable outcome of difficulty and misery can be appealing and achieved through self-sabotage.
Learnings Recovery

Light Dawns on Marblehead

After all, for this example, wasn’t it my fear of being assaulted again (fear), desire for self-preservation (self-seeking), hope for uninterrupted bliss (selfish), and view that I ought never experience harm (dishonesty) that led to the resentment?
Background Gratitude Learnings

Spring Break at almost 42?

That said, I will be taking a bit of Spring Break myself! I can almost hear my grandfather, Jim Scott Sr., commenting, “Listen to this one, in his 40’s and he still thinks he has Spring Break!”
Gratitude Learnings

Shakespeare or Nostradamus?

And while I jest about “all” the devoted fans of More Than a Speed Bump’s posts, a few conclusions can be drawn by the fact of some variance in my posting:
Gratitude Recovery

The Doc King Adaptive Tour: A Day with Two RAWZ Fund Partners

The family would combine their love of cycling, connections within the cycling community, and passion for KBIC to raise funds for the amazing nonprofit organization. Since the inaugural King Challenge in 2011, the King Challenge has raised well over a million dollars to help KBIC carry out its mission of “improving the lives of people living with acquired brain injury.”
Gratitude Life Goes On Recovery

2023 is a wrap!

All in all, 2023 was another great year. And although I’m not a fan of cold weather, I’m struck how blessed I am to have Clooney and the amazing David Krempels Brain Injury Center community to return back to: Have a blessed 2024!  

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