Gratitude Learnings

The Road to Gratitude

But back to The Road to Gratitude… Not that long ago I wrote in “It’s the Journey” about another road: “The Road of Happy Destiny”. The word road sure does seem to be popping up a lot? That post examined how it was a road “of” rather than “to” happy destiny that we trudge in recovery. This seemingly minor and semantical difference in word choice reminds me that it is in fact the journey, not the destination, where the experience of living occurs highlighting the importance of enjoying each moment.
Gratitude Learnings Recovery

“Acceptance is the Answer”

And as they say, the rest is history! After going to Krempels that first day to see how I could “volunteer”, I met a program coordinator in the lobby who instructed me to attend the morning meeting to hear about the day’s programming. I was hooked instantly! Struck by the ease and comfort with which members engaged in the community-driven program, no matter the individual challenges each faced, I was overwhelmed by a feeling of “I can do this too!”
Gratitude Life Goes On

Oh, the Places You’ll Go!

The book’s theme of continuous change and novel experiences has certainly held true. I found the story to be surprisingly realistic in it’s proportionality of “good/successful” versus “bad/challenging” situations arising. Whether intended or not, I found a strong message from the tale’s young protagonist was consistent forward motion is paramount to a successful life.

King Challenge/DKAT

This past Thursday night I was able to attend a reception thanking the King Family. While the event itself was fantastic, taking place at Phillips Exeter Academy with great food and drink, the family and cycling ride bringing us all there are truly remarkable!
Background Gratitude Recovery

If you give a short guy a microphone…

Although I’m always happy to engage in dialogue with any audience that I’m given the opportunity to share my experience with, the “Casino Night” was more of a brief overview of my and the RAWZ Fund’s connection with KBIC rather than a Q&A. In sharp contrast was a presentation to a group of 6th graders I was fortunate to make this week with ThinkFirst: National Injury Prevention Foundation.

“You’d kick if you were hanging…”

While I have to admit to being prone to complaining, or throwing fits at times, I never quite understood the phrase. I just took it to mean that I was whining about something when the complaining wasn’t helping the situation. As I was getting frustrated with something so unimportant that I can’t remember what it was specifically just the other day, I found myself muttering “You’d kick if you were hanging” and thought, I should really find out what that saying means…

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