Gratitude Recovery

Infused With Gratitude

Regardless, as I drove down the road a couple of days ago I had to recognize how far I’ve come. Although, I seem to forget how to do most household things and certainly laundry on the 3 hour flight down here!

Happy 10th Birthday RAWZ!!!!

It has been a blessing in my life to be part of a company going from zero existing revenue with no products offered to who we are today; a committed team with a robust product line that’s given over $3.7 million dollars to improving lives over the last ten years.
Background Gratitude

A Reintroduction 81 posts later

Although life has been quite dynamic with births, deaths, struggles, heartbreak, and even some success over More Than a Speed Bump’s lifetime; it’s been the stable aspects that have really made living anything resembling a productive life of purpose possible for me.
Gratitude Learnings Recovery

Stuck in Cognitive Dissonance

I know, it’s awful early on a Monday morning to be dropping emotion-state describing terms from the field of Psychology. But oh well, “I just can’t shake this feeling” (unintentionally stealing the lyrics from countless songs over the years)!
Gratitude Learnings

Cautiously Grateful

What would having healthy gratitude mean for the way I’d live my life and what the heck do I mean by “Cautiously Grateful?”
Gratitude Learnings

Here we go again; The Winter Blues

I’ll admit it, I tend to overthink things which I suppose is ironic considering the brain injury. Speaking of that, here’s an totally unrelated memory that just was triggered: It was probably 4 or 5 years ago when I was speaking about living with a brain injury to a bunch of 1st and 2nd graders. With complete innocence, a young boy in the first row whose arm shot up so fast he could barely remain seated asked, “If you have a brain injury, can you still think?” You have to love the curiosity and honesty of a 7 year old! Anyways, now back to The Winter Blues…

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